Unfortunately we are still in a pandemic situation and this means that there is a requirement for both organisers and anyone else attending our event on Saturday 3rd October to adhere to specific COVID-19 Regulations to the best of their ability to protect everyone.
- If you or anyone in your household has symptoms of Coronavirus, do not attend this event, stay home and follow the latest government advice on what to do next. Refer to https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/campaigns/coronavirus-covid-19 for the latest government information. This also applies if you believe / know you have been in contact with someone that has Coronavirus or shows symptoms.
- If you have pre-entered this event and cannot attend due to Coronavirus, then you can e-mail info@carrickfergusmcc.co.uk to make arrangements for a refund.
- Competitors should limit the amount of people attending the event with them. It is preferential that a competitor brings no more than one other person with them to the event in order to limit the number of personnel on site.
- Anyone attending the event with a competitor must adhere to all COVID-19 regulations.
- Everyone attending must complete & submit the COVID-19 Track & Trace Form to the organisers. This will include contact details where head of the group will suffice.
- Everyone on site must respect COVID-19 Guidance at all times.
- In order to control the numbers of competitors attending the event, Competitors will be required to pre-enter via online entry to allow the organisers to limit numbers.
- Cash handling will be minimised as much as possible at the event so for this reason, day licence payments and any birth certificate submissions required will be done online. There will be no gate admission charge also for this event to avoid further cash handling processes.
- Where cash has to be handled on the day, the club will endeavour make a contactless card payment option available.
- Competitors & Parent/Guardians must bring their own pen to sign on.
- Competitors must not share clothing, including riding gear, towels, helmets etc. Care to be taken with soiled and dirty clothing, these should be collected by the wearer and safely stowed. No sharing of drinks bottles.
- Competitors must not celebrate with other competitors after races are complete. No handshakes etc.
- Everyone should take their own litter away with them.
- Everyone must ensure that social distancing is always observed.
- Everyone using toilets must sanitise their hands before and after use of on-site toilets.
- If anyone at the venue develops any symptoms of Coronavirus while at the venue, then please return home at once and follow the latest government guidelines on what to do next. Please do NOT go to the venue Medical Centre or Ambulances.
- COVID-19 is an ever evolving situation and things may change closer to the event or even on the day. The club will communicate any changes via our official club website, social media channels or over the venue PA on the day. Please bare with us if things do change.